Random musings about Chess and Life, The title of this post is from a story by Premchand, a Hindi writer who wrote pithy, wry and direct stories about aristocracy and the life of poor men under them. Experts of Chess briefly is a story of two chess players so engrossed in games of chess that they ignore the fall of their king and his kingdom and the decimation of soldiers, later they have an argument about the game and duel each other and are both mortally wounded which is the end of the story. This post has little to do with that story though and more about the game of chess and an analogy to life.
Random musings about Chess and Life, The title of this post is from a story by Premchand, a Hindi writer who wrote pithy, wry and direct stories about aristocracy and the life of poor men under them. Experts of Chess briefly is a story of two chess players so engrossed in games of chess that they ignore the fall of their king and his kingdom and the decimation of soldiers, later they have an argument about the game and duel each other and are both mortally wounded which is the end of the story. This post has little to do with that story though and more about the game of chess and an analogy to life.
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I’ve taken to playing chess about 4 months back. I was
introduced by a friend to the game again (I used to play real lousy when I was
a kid). She is good at it and has me beat all but 2 times out of the 12 games
that we’ve played, there was a vodka fueled game where I was beaten really
badly and I can’t still say it was because I was inebriated. Then I’ve played
against the computer on Chess Titans on Windows 7. Started with Level 5, the
first game lasted two hours with plenty of Undo Moves and a reversal from a
checkmate (which according to the game statistics is counted as a loss even if
you undo), played from there and won by checkmate.
While I played I realized that early in the game there was no way to predict the future moves of
my opponent to more than 3 moves as the number of possible combinations were
insane. However, shit could get real very fast if you played fast and loose.
There is quite a bit of breathing room in the beginning and
this is when you should prepare the layout of your pieces such that they back
each other up. If you play a move just for the heck of it without an idea of
what strategy that move benefits to, then you’ve wasted your move. A move that
could tighten your offence or strengthen you defence is what you should always
be on the lookout for. Also no point
taking out the big guns early when the board is full and you have no space to
move. When the opponent is clever enough, even if you have them defended you
will lose them to the pawns, which is never a good deal. Use the Knight early
on, it can jump over pieces and on a choc-a-bloc board, it is a good way to
pick out defensive pawn positions, avoid losing the Knight if you can help it.
The computer always tries to get my Knights in exchange for its own and
considers it a fair trade. I wonder why it would do that considering it could
have used them just as well.
There are no spare moves towards the middle of the game. You
have to play everything with a purpose and exactly right keeping all the pieces
backing each other up while breaching into the enemy lines. The middle of the game is when the pieces
start going off the board and you have to start weighing your options. Would
you mind losing a Knight for saving a rook or a bishop? A pawn threatens both
your Knight and your bishop, which one do you choose? The Queen, yes you have
to save her and you could end up sacrificing quite a bit just to save her. The
computer always goes for your queen so never put it up-front with a lesser
piece defending it. Send the Rook in for an attack if you have to and then defend
the Rook with the Queen but never vice-versa because the computer will just take
your Queen and not care what it loses in return. In other scenarios you will notice
it putting its Queen head-to-head with yours and then losing its Queen to take
yours. But this is a pre-meditated calculation that assumes that a Pawn from
the computer is already half-way across the board and will reach the end of the
board and promote itself to a Queen which will make your King a sitting duck.
The end of the game is a little anti-climactic. I’m told
that towards the end, the game is predictable, so predictable that in fact the
computer stores look-up tables for the moves that can result in the fastest
check-mate. The irony is that, despite the board being largely empty, there is
not much space to run around to and you will eventually be trapped into a
corner and check-mated. Hope or horror also exists when a pawn goes over to the
other side of the board and gets promoted, mostly to Queen. That is mostly the
end, if you have just the King and other odd-end pawns, it could also be the
end for the opponent if you have a bishop or another Queen on a largely empty
board with the other King in the corner.
It seems to be quite a useful analogy for life. Play for a
strong defense, build your fundamentals. When the attack comes you should have
your defense ready otherwise it will be decimation. No point taking out the big
guns first. Play the small battles with the pawns and weaken the defense of the
enemy, then start moving in for the kill with the big guns
Recently I happened to play Level 6. It is very hard for me and this particular game lasted 2 hours or more. I got check-mated in at least 6 different ways and kept undoing the game to see what the point of no-return was. I played a variety of endings which were ending in check-mate. Finally I found an undo point where it seemed I was able to smuggle my Queen bang in the middle of enemy territory. It already had its Queen and kept troubling my King in an oscillating check series where I stayed put in a, for the lack of a better word, fortress of Pawns in a triangle. Then began my series of check moves, I had my Queen backed up with a Rook and that Rook backed up with another Rook just so that the computer Queen wouldn’t dare kill on the diagonal. Then a sudden check by the computer Queen which came and stood right behind my King and I took the Queen for nothing. Then there was nothing to do but to use my Queen as soon as possible for a check-mate and that was it. I had won Level 6 for the first time ever. I had drawn it previously but a win always has a nice warm fuzzy feeling to it. To beat a machine, well maybe not the best chess engine but a fairly decent one.
Recently I happened to play Level 6. It is very hard for me and this particular game lasted 2 hours or more. I got check-mated in at least 6 different ways and kept undoing the game to see what the point of no-return was. I played a variety of endings which were ending in check-mate. Finally I found an undo point where it seemed I was able to smuggle my Queen bang in the middle of enemy territory. It already had its Queen and kept troubling my King in an oscillating check series where I stayed put in a, for the lack of a better word, fortress of Pawns in a triangle. Then began my series of check moves, I had my Queen backed up with a Rook and that Rook backed up with another Rook just so that the computer Queen wouldn’t dare kill on the diagonal. Then a sudden check by the computer Queen which came and stood right behind my King and I took the Queen for nothing. Then there was nothing to do but to use my Queen as soon as possible for a check-mate and that was it. I had won Level 6 for the first time ever. I had drawn it previously but a win always has a nice warm fuzzy feeling to it. To beat a machine, well maybe not the best chess engine but a fairly decent one.
However if I were to stretch the analogy of chess for life far
enough, is it possible that you could have made a series of moves from where
there is a point of no return? It would not be really possible to know because
I knew that until I did about 9 undoes (10 moves back more or less) I was not
able to get to the point in the game where I was able to save my power pieces
and also move in for the kill. I repeatedly lost my Rooks and the Queen in
exchanges where the computer retained a Rook, lost the Queen and managed to
promote a Pawn to Queen in the next 3 moves to give me a check-mate. Out of the
9 variants of the undo games I played (they all ended in check-mate for me
differently) only one of the games was where I managed to defend as well as
move in for the kill simultaneously.
As to the question of if it ends in a check-mate for me, your guess is just as good as mine.
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